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The 5 important little known social networking sites


   1.       PINTEREST

Pinterest is a content sharing service that allows users to virtually “pin” pictures, videos & other content on to virtual “boards”. Other users can then choose to repin that content, allowing your content to circulate. URL- https://www.pinterest.com/


    2.       SLIDESHARE

Slideshare allows users to upload various documents formats, including PDFs, videos & webinars to a site where people can locate them easily and efficiently. URL- http://www.slideshare.net


    3.       STORIFY

After a major social media event this is the site you want by your side. Storify creates stories from social media feeds and can be useful for a conference or reporting. URL-https://storify.com/


    4. TUMBLR

This is a micro blogging site owned by Yahoo! URL- https://www.tumblr.com/


    5.       ABOUT.ME

About.me is like a digital business card that presents you (or your business) on one page with links to all your social sites, a short bio, a few buttons to interact (favorite, e-mail, share, etc.), and a big beautiful background image. It is great alternative to a full blown website for freelancers and solopreneurs looking to promote themselves and gain exposure. URL-https://about.me/

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